About Us
JPJ Productions brings a fresh approach to dance training in Mankato, MN! Major focus goes into technique as well as conditioning. With extensive years of dance and instruction experience, the JPJ Productions Staff is excited to bring their proven track record to the dance studio space. JPJ Productions offers programs for a variety of commitment levels to allow all dancers to enjoy and grow in dance!

Welcome! I want to start by thanking you for visiting our site and checking out JPJ Productions. We are excited to bring unique and individualized dance training to Minnesota. My name is Jennifer James-Utermoehl, founder, owner, and choreographer of the studio. I am originally from Sioux Falls, SD, but have lived in MN for over 18 years.
Growing up in Sioux Falls I trained primarily in ballet, jazz, and tap. I wasn’t extremely involved in competitive dance until an All Star team was created in my hometown. Dance has always been a passion of mine and a sport that I’ve always been involved in (as well as basketball and track, where I probably gained my competitiveness, tehe) Through dance I was able to navigate working hard for something I loved, team work, organization, how to fail and how to succeed. I learned that everything I gained came from me earning it. #EarnedNotGiven I realized that, that was what I wanted to teach other dancers! That though hard work, discipline, and commitment they can achieve anything.
I had gone back and forth with the idea of being a studio owner. I have always dreamt of having an entire complex for dance with many other aspect to it. At one point in my life that dream had changed for me…. However God had other plans for me and brought me back to the dream, and with that JPJ was created. We hope you join our JPJ Productions Family and experience the of power dance.

Mission Statement
JPJ Productions strives to provide a dance studio with quality instruction, a positive atmosphere, and team oriented environment that develops well-rounded dancers and people.
We believe becoming a family and dancing as one is an important part in team building.
We are committed to transparency and doing the right thing.
At JPJ we are ALL IN. We believe that to achieve goals you must be present.